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55 puls benefit

작성자 정보

  • 위니보이 작성
  • 작성일

컨텐츠 정보


이것도 역시 도움이 되시는분이 있었으면 해서 올려봅니다.
마니토바에 거주하고계신 55세 이상이신 분들중 income 이 낮으신분들은 55plus benefit을 받으실수 있으십니다
돈은 매달 4월 7월 10월 1월 에 cheque 로 날라옵니다


55 Plus Program

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The 55 PLUS Program, a Manitoba Income Supplement, provides quarterly benefits to lower-income Manitobans who are 55 years of age and over, and whose incomes are within certain levels. Eligibility is based on income reported in your tax return from the previous year. Applications can be submitted anytime during the year.

Applicants who are not yet receiving benefits through the Old Age Security Program are required to submit a new application each year.

Benefits are mailed four times a year, in late April, July, October and January. When it has been determined that you are eligible, you will receive a benefit cheque for each three-month period. Your first payment will include benefits for the three-month period during which your completed application is approved.


Maximum quarterly benefits (every three months) have increased to $161.80 for a single person and $173.90 to each eligible person in a married or common law relationship.

Under the Junior Component, partial benefits are available to single people with an annual income up to $9,746.40 and couples with an annual family income up to $16,255.20.

Under the Senior Component benefits are based on family composition, net family income and the type and level of benefits you receive under the federal Old Age Security program.

Note: If your income is slightly above the maximum, you are encouraged to apply anyway as there are some allowable deductions from gross income. The 55 Plus benefit year runs from April 1 to March 31.


Applicants may be eligible if they are 55 years of age or older, live in Manitoba, have a valid Manitoba Health registration number and an income within the allowable ranges. Your net income from the previous tax year is used to determine if you are eligible.

Note: If you receive benefits from the federal Old Age Security program, you do not need to apply. Your eligibility is automatically determined by the level of benefits you receive from the Guaranteed Income Supplement, the Allowance, or Allowance for the survivor.

Persons who receive income assistance are not eligible for 55 PLUS benefits. However, those who receive only the health care benefits portion of income assistance may be eligible.


If you do not receive benefits under the federal Old Age Security Program, you must apply for 55 Plus. You can apply at any time during the benefit year.

If you do receive benefits from the federal Old Age Security Program, you are not required to apply. Your eligibility is determined automatically by the level of benefits you receive from the OAS Program.

For additional information and application forms, contact the 55 Plus office.

Area served Manitoba
Hours 8:30AM – 4:30PM, Monday through Friday
Languages English, French
Fees Not applicable
Address Manitoba Family Services and Consumer Affairs
PO Box 3000
203 South Railway Street East
Killarney, Manitoba R0K 1G0
Toll-free 1-800-563-8793
Telephone 204-523-5230
TTY 204-945-4796 or 1-800-855-0511 (Manitoba Relay Service)
Fax 204-523-5240
Email incsupplus@gov.mb.ca


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