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문화적 차이와 성폭행 - SJR sex-assault 사건을 바라보며

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지난 주에는 위니펙의 명문 사립학교인 St. John’s-Ravenscourt School 기숙사에서 벌어진 성폭행사건과 관련하여 위니펙의 양대 신문인 위니펙 프리 프레스(Winnipeg Free Press)와 위니펙썬(Winnipeg Sun) 의 신문지면이 시끄러웠습니다.

신문 기사를 읽으면서 혹시나 한국 학생들이 연관되어 있으면 어떻하나 조마조마 했는데, 다행이 한국학생들이 연관된 것은 아니었습니다.

사건의 내막을 간단히 요약하면, 기숙사에 있는 11학년, 12학년 상급반 학생 4명(중국학생, 알버타출신 학생, 아프리카 출신 학생)이 하급학생들을 몽둥이로 엉덩이를 때린 것인데(위니펙 프리 프레스에서는 엉덩이를 때렸다고 하고, 위니펙썬에서는 남색을 시켰다고 써있네요), 이곳에서는 단순 폭행사건이 아닌 성폭행 사건으로 취급되어 2명이 구속되었습니다.

또 학생 4명중 학생 2명은 5일간 정학을 받고 다시 학급으로 돌아갔고, 다른 학생 2명은 학교 위원회로 부터 나가라는 요구를 받았고 스스로 자퇴하기로 결정을 했다고 합니다.

자세한 내용은 아래 기사를 읽어보시길 바라며, 혹시나 한국에서는 상급학생과 하급학생들간의 단순 폭행 사건으로 치부하기 쉬운 이런 사건이 이곳 캐나다에서는 가중 처벌이 되는 성폭행 사건으로 발전하기때문에 한국에서 흔히 있는 일이라고 쉽게 넘어가지 마시길 바랍니다.

학생간의 작은 구타, 폭행, 희롱, 왕따(이지메) 등 한국에서 배운 어떤 작은 나쁜 행동도 아이들이 이곳에서는 하지않도록 유학을 보내는 부모님들이나 이민 온 신규 가정 부모님들은 아이들을 교육하시길 바랍니다. 특히 한국학생들은 의견차이가 발생할 때 상대방을 말로 설득하지 못하면 화가 나서 상대방을 심하게 밀치거나 주먹으로 상대를 치는 행동이 먼저 나오기 쉬운데 이런 행동은 이곳 학교에서 크게 처벌을 받고 문제아로 찍히기 쉽기때문에 화를 다스리는 법을 아이들에게 가르쳐야 합니다. (물론 어른들도 마찬가지입니다.) 

<Winnipeg Sun 기사>


SJR teens arrested

Charges against 4 students include sexual assault

Allegations of sexual abuse and humiliation were uncovered by city police during an investigation into student-on-student assaults at a Winnipeg private school, leading to charges against four teens.

The charges are another chapter in a saga which has stunned prestigious St. John’s-Ravenscourt School’s community of students, parents and staff.

Const. Jacqueline Chaput, a Winnipeg police spokeswoman, said four males ? two 16-year-olds, a 17-year-old and an 18-year-old ? were arrested off campus and charged Wednesday with sexual assault with a weapon, forcible confinement and uttering threats. All four were held in custody and appeared in court Thursday.

“Just the fact that it was a sexual assault against a child, that is serious to us,” Chaput said. “The reason, motive or otherwise is yet to be determined.”

The charges relate to a single complainant but investigators still have to interview several potential victims, meaning additional charges are pending, Chaput said.

A source said the suspects are accused of holding down the complainant and threatening to sodomize him with a wooden stick.

Everyone involved ? the suspects and at least four male complainants in grades 8 to 11 ? was a boarding student when the alleged abuse began last fall.

SJR head of school Stephen Johnson said the charges reveal a different level of seriousness than expected.

Johnson said three suspects are in Grade 12 and one is in Grade 11 in SJR’s senior school.

Two are from Africa while the others hail from Asia and Alberta, said a source. It’s believed justice officials will move to seize passports to prevent the international students from fleeing.

Johnson said one international student’s family has moved to Manitoba since he enrolled in the South Drive school.

Two faced expulsion but decided to voluntarily withdraw, while two others were suspended for five days and supposed to return to class Thursday.

Johnson said the latter two are still enrolled but won’t be allowed back in class until further notice at the request of Child and Family Services, which got involved Wednesday.

The allegations came to light when someone told a teacher last week. Police were contacted Sunday.
When the investigation began police were aware some type of assaults occurred and learned during interviews they were of a sexual nature, Chaput said.

The ongoing investigation involves the child abuse and sex crimes units.


Updated April 15, 2010 10:03pm

<Winnipeg Free Press 기사>

Accused in SJR sex-assault case granted bail

St. John's-Ravenscourt School 

St. John's-Ravenscourt School

WINNIPEG - Manitoba justice officials have agreed to release an 18-year-old man from jail following his arrest earlier this week on sexual assault charges connected to St. John's-Ravenscourt School.

The man was granted bail Friday morning, with the consent of the Crown attorney, on several strict conditions including a $10,000 surety, nightly curfew of 10 p.m. and an order to turn over his passport to Winnipeg police. He must also have no contact with any current SJR students. The man, who is originally from China, has no prior criminal record.

The Free Press is not naming the suspect to avoid identifying the alleged victim, who was his roommate at the private boarding school.

The suspect's release comes after three youth co-accused were granted bail ? despite objections from the Crown ? Thursday afternoon at the Manitoba Youth Centre.

Police are continuing to investigate and are expected to make at least two more arrests, court was told. Police say they will be interviewing other potential victims and further charges could be laid.

All four have been charged with sexual assault with a weapon, forcible confinement, and uttering threats. It's alleged the senior boarding students threatened the younger male boarders, holding them down and placing a wooden stick against their buttocks, in incidents that took place between September and December. As many as 15 students may have been targeted.

The Winnipeg Police child-abuse and sex-crimes units are handling the investigation.

Two of the accused voluntarily withdrew from the school Tuesday after a disciplinary committee recommended expulsion. Two more, who were suspended for five days last week, will not be allowed to return to school until CFS officials clear it.

A justice source told the Free Press the charges announced Thursday relate to a single incident involving a roommate of one of the four teen suspects. The charges came to light only after an SJR teacher allegedly overheard a remark made by a student that led to further questions, said the source.



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