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Manitoba 분류

마니토바에 마침내 swine flu 상륙

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지난 4월 중순에서 말까지 멕시코와 미국 밴쿠버를 다녀온 초등학생이
양성반응을 보였다고 합니다

아직 학교휴교는 생각하지 않고 있다는데...증세가 경미해서라네요
그러나 청정지역이라 믿어왔던 마니토바 그것도 두번째로 큰 도시 브랜든에 도착했다니 심란합니다

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출처는 위니펙 프리프레스입니다

Swine flu confirmed in Brandon

Student recovering; health officer says school closure unnecessary

A Brandon  girl is the first Mani­toban to fall ill with H1N1 flu, but provincial health officials say there’s no need to close her school.
The girl, who attends Riverheights School — a kindergarten to Grade 8 school — is recovering from only a mild case of swine flue and didn’t re­quire hospitalization. She travelled to Mexico, the southern United States and Vancouver in mid to late April.
Dr. Joel Kettner, Manitoba’s chief provincial public health officer, said Sunday there is no need to close her school or quarantine her family.
He said the turmoil caused by inter­rupting the education of more than 300 students and forcing parents to miss work would be overkill since only mild cases of the illness have been reported in Canada so far. And, closing the school wouldn’t be very effective since kids still interact at parties, play dates and sporting events. The smarter approach is to continue asking sick kids to stay home, said Kettner.
"We are strongly recommending that the school remain open," he said. "The students who feel well should attend school as per usual."
Public health officials will be visit­ing Riverheights School today to an­swer questions and offer information to parents, staff and students. And health experts are tracking and monitoring all the people the child came into direct contact with since her return to make sure no one else gets sick. Direct con­tact generally means someone who was within sneezing distance — one or two metres. That includes family members and classmates.
Kettner said it’s likely that the girl’s family and friends will get sick, but since the swine flu has so far been no worse than garden variety winter viruses, the risk posed by the girl is minimal.
Principals from each of the 22 schools in the Brandon School Division (BSD) will meet today to discuss the division’s emergency response protocol, division superintendent Donna Michaels said Sunday.
"Given that this is a potentially highly contagious issue, we follow (the emergency response protocol) to a T," Michaels said. "We want parents to know their schools are safe. We wouldn’t take a chance with children’s lives."
School closure decisions are typical­ly made by the education minister, in consultation with Manitoba Health, but under provincial legislation Kettner can order schools closed.
A letter from Manitoba Health will also be sent home with every student, and staff and students will be reminded to wash their hands, cough into their sleeve and stay at home if they’re not feeling well, Michaels said.
"We’re reinforcing the message from public health. We’re very alert to the situation and that’s an important part of our job... and that we’re certain we’ve done everything we possibly can do," she said.
As of Friday afternoon, about 18 people had been tested for swine flu in Manitoba, with just one positive case.
Meanwhile, Manitoba’s top veterin­arian says Manitoba’s pork products are safe despite reports that more than 200 pigs on a central Alberta hog farm were found infected with human swine flu on the weekend.
Dr. Wayne Lees, the province’s chief veterinary officer, said Sunday a host of biosecurity measures are in place, including mandatory showers that hog barn workers must take before and after they enter the barns and special clothing they wear while in the barns. And pigs undergo health inspections before and after they are slaughtered, and the province is testing swine for flu on an ongoing basis. No cases of the H1N1 strain have been found in Mani­toba’s hogs.
"This is not a food safety issue," said Lees. "There is no indication that influ­enza is transmitted through properly prepared pork products."
— with files by Colleen Cosgrove


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푸른하늘님의 댓글

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정프로님, 새로운 소식 감사합니다. 신문을 읽어보니 멕시코, 미국, 밴쿠버를 거쳐서 브랜든으로 여행에서 돌아왔군요. 다행이 학생의 증상이 심각해서 학교를 임시휴교할 정도로 심한 상황이 아니니 정말 다행입니다. 캐나다 다른 주는 감염자가 많은데 매니토바주는 전혀 없어서 안심되고 있었는데... 모두들 손 잘 씻고, 재채기(기침)할 때 손소매로 막고 하고, 감기 기운 있을 때 집에서 머무르는 것이 좋다고 하니 잘 지켜서 건강하게 사세요.
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