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I'd love to get in shape, but...

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위니펙 프리 프레스에 건강에 관한 기사가 있길래 코사랑닷넷을 방문하는 분들이 영어공부도 하고 자신의 건강도 한번 챙기는 시간이 되기를 바라며 글을 옮겨 봅니다.  
I'd love to get in shape, but...
If you get active you won't have to make excuses about why you're not getting active


출처 : 위니펙프리프레스 Mon Nov 19 2007 Healthy Living / Shamona Harnett




EXERCISE excuses.

You've conjured up many in your lifetime. Deep down, you know they're as weak as the abdominal muscles you say you can't exercise.


It's human nature to reason about why you're not as active as you should be.
And Jordan Cieciwa, a personal trainer and owner of Winnipeg's Professional Edge, has heard them all.
"Most of them have to do with people not having enough time. Or they say that it hurts to start a program so they don't want to put the effort in," explains Cieciwa. He currently has several clients just starting exercise programs in the hopes of shaping up for a holiday cocktail party or upcoming beach vacation.
But the enthusiasm won't necessarily last.
"Three weeks after they start is when they want to give up," says Cieciwa, who is always ready to blow the lid off his clients' exercise excuses.
Find yourself finding reasons not to exercise? Here are some of the top excuses and how to counter them:
Excuse #1: I'm too tired
FATIGUE can make even the most energetic fitness buffs want to skip their workouts. And for people who don't exercise regularly, the thought of jumping on a treadmill while tired can seem downright unbearable.
If you find yourself continually exhausted, exercise could be just the thing to change that. That's because exercise -- the kind that gets your heart pumping -- tends to boost energy levels.
"It will get your blood flowing," says Cieciwa.
While you might not feel the awakening effects of exercise for two or three weeks, there are ways to help your body along, he says. Cieciwa advises his non-athlete clients to start by taking care of themselves -- getting a massage and drinking antioxidant-filled green tea.
"Exercise will only increase the positive effects of those things," he says.
He warns, however, that extremely exhausted exercisers could be prone to injury. They should work out with a friend or trainer who can keep them focused on form and technique.



Excuse #2: I'm too busy with the baby
THERE'S no denying that a new parent is forever busy doing everything from changing diapers to burping little ones. But that doesn't mean that exercise is out of the question.
Just split it up, says Cieciwa, noting that studies prove that working out in 15- or 20-minute increments can be just as effective as working out in one longer session.
For a cardio element, "get someone to watch your child for 15 or 20 minutes and go out for a jog," says Cieciwa, adding that while the baby is sleeping, a parent can sneak in another 15 or 20 minutes of push-ups and sit-ups on the living room floor.
Another reason to get moving? Fit parents are better able to keep up with their kids during playtime.
Excuse #3: I can't afford to go to a gym and my home is too small for exercise equipment



IF you watch late-night infomercials, it's easy to get caught up in the hype about exercise equipment. The truth: You don't need large, pricey extras to get a good workout.
Get an effective cardio and weight-training mix by going for a jog and doing some push-ups and sit-ups in your living room, says Cieciwa. Another option: Keep an inflatable exercise ball behind a sofa or in the garage. (Or even store it deflated in a closet). Doing exercises on the ball boosts core strength and balance. S
ince exercises on the ball can be tough for a beginner, Cieciwa recommends seeing a personal trainer at least once to learn some effective moves. "I don't know any personal trainer who wouldn't let you bring a pen and paper. Write everything down and you can create a good workout for yourself."
Excuse #4: I'm too busy with work
Fourteeen-hour workdays leave you feeling like you have no time to do anything else but sleep? All the more reason to push your body, says Cieciwa, who emphasizes that people who work long hours need to keep their bodies in check. His advice: Eat well and get enough sleep to muster enough energy to exercise first thing in the morning -- with maybe a run outside or a jaunt in the gym.
"Think, 'If I went into work a little sharper with a little bit more mental clarity it would make me more productive and shorten my workday.'"
Excuse #5: I have a bad knee/back/shoulder
An injury is a legitimate reason to be careful about exercise, but it's no excuse not to work out areas of the body that aren't hurt.
"If my knee hurts, why would I let the rest of my body go into disrepair?" asks Cieciwa, who currently trains three hockey players dealing with injuries -- two with separated shoulders and one with a broken ankle. He says carefully exercising the muscle tissue surrounding an injury could help you get better faster.
If you're nursing an injury -- old or new -- Cieciwa recommends seeing a physiotherapist before you get serious about exercising. You also may benefit from a session with a qualified personal trainer who can show you what exercises are safe for you.
Have an interesting story idea? Contact Shamona at Ú shamona.harnett@freepress.mb.ca


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